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Mr. Ali Moradi
Has 10 years of experience in interior decoration design. Has 10 years of experience in interior decoration design
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Roof garden design and construction

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Roof garden design and construction is one of the services provided by Achilan Decor Engineering and Technology Company.

If you intend to implement different roof garden models such as small roof garden, modern roof garden, classic roof garden, traditional roof garden, you can get the necessary advice from our colleagues in this field to find the best possible solutions. To provide you with the implementation of the roof garden.

In this context, the communication channels available on the Achilan Decor website are responsive to you dear ones 24 hours a day.

You can call 02188374855, 09124419419 for roof garden design and implementation safari.

What is the design and construction of a roof garden?

As you know, roof garden is the common definition of the green space on the roof, which is the green space on the roof of the roof or the yard and is the breeding ground for various decorative plants.

At a height above the ground, it is formed on the artificial substrate of the roof, and the roof garden provides you with the opportunity to share your garden with the city and you can enjoy its beautiful views.

Implementing a roof garden on the roof is highly recommended for big and industrial cities like Tehran, because nowadays many people who suffer from lung problems due to air pollution, even their doctors advise them that they don’t even have the right to live in big cities. .

Implementing a roof garden on the roof of their house can help them to use the natural oxygen of the plants in this space away from pollution.

In the design of the roof garden, various elements such as fountains, pavilions, fixed and portable pots with suitable space and natural and artificial grasses and benches with love sticks with barbecues and field kitchens can be considered, and even some people from They also use fiberglass pools, jacuzzis, and sunbathing areas.

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